Caddy Server Authentication

Using the Organizr authorization API

Using Caddy and the reauth plugin you can accomplish the same using the following block:

reauth {
    path /sonarr   # location that requires reauth
    # path /glances   # other directories can be listed
    # if someone is not authorized for a page, send them here instead
    failure redirect target=https://<your_domain>/
    upstream url=https://<your_domain>/api/v2/auth/<group_id>,cookies=true

Using OAuth / JWT tokens

Here is a sample Caddy directive using caddy-jwt to protect a path using the Organizr token:

jwt {
    # Name of the path to protect
    path /protected
    # Allow / deny based on JWT claims
    allow group Admin
    allow group User
    # Where to redirect in case the token is invalid or the claims are denied	
    redirect /
    # Where to read the token from
    token_source cookie organizr_token_62d9e46e-cdad-4726-9db7-e25b85397f57
    # Path the the secret to validate the token
    secret /etc/myprecious.txt

The secret to use to validate the token needs to be passed to Caddy either as an environment variable named JWT_SECRET or in a file, specified with the secret configuration option.

Note that the http.jwt plugin is not installed in default Caddy builds.

You should not protect the / Organizr root path. Organizr handles it on its ow

caddy-jwt Github

Last updated

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