Right-click on owi_installer.bat and click on Run as administrator
Installer will ask you for the nginx install location, type in the full path as per the e.g. c:\nginx
The installer will ask you to provide the password of the current user during installation, the nginx service requires that you run it under a user account instead of the 'Local System' account, if you don't then you won't be able to save and reload your nginx config
OUI (Organizr Ubuntu Installer)
Git (sudo apt-get install git)
Tested on
Ubuntu 16.04
Debian 9.5+
What does it do
Installs Unzip, NGINX, and PHP
Installs the required PHP modules
Adds in a working NGINX conf with PHP block and sample app configs
Navigate to the OUI folder - cd /opt/OrganizrInstaller/ubuntu/oui
Run the installer script - sudo bash ou_installer.sh
If you want to set it up without SSL, use the Let's Encrypt/Standard option
Manual Install
Important note for beginners
Organizr is a php based web front-end to help organize your services. Organizr itself is not a service, so do not think of this as another usenet application. It's a collection of files that live on your webserver to serve up existing content/services in a streamlined, organized way.
This guide makes the following assumptions:
You are installing Organizr on the same host machine as your webserver
You are using a debian or ubuntu based linux distro for an OS, and nginx as a webserver
You are installing as the root user, or a user with `sudo` privelages (use `sudo` where appropriate if you're not root)
If you don't already have nginx installed as a webserver, run apt-get install nginx or consult this guide for detailed setup.
There are a few packages that Organizr depends on to function. Some of them may already be installed with your OS, some may be missing, or some may require an upgraded version. This guide shows you how to use and install php7.1 and its packages, but Organizr also lets you use php7.0 or php7.2, if you prefer.
If you plan on using LDAP for authenticating into Organizr, php7.1 or later is required
If you do not have php already installed on your system, you'll need to add the repository and install the package
Then, to be sure all of the Organizr's prerequisites are installed, run the following command with your package manager. Some of these may also require other dependencies, so select "Yes" to install those as well.
You now have the necessary prerequisites to install and use Organizr. Next you need to decide where you're going to install Organizr within your web directory. Most default nginx installations give you a path at /var/www/html to insert your website files. You can install Organizr there, but to keep things organized (in the event that you want more than one website), we recommend /var/www/websites/website_name.com/. You can also install Organizr as a subdirectory, if you do not want Orgniazr being the default root of your domain. In that case, you would install it to /var/www/websites/website_name.com/organizr. For this guide, we'll assume your domain is named roxinsocks.com and that Organizr is running at the root level of the site.
Installing Organizr
Navigate to your website path with cd /var/www/websites/roxinsocks.com
Using one of these two methods, grab the most recent Organizr build from github:
Unzip the file with unzip v2-master.zip -d /var/www/websites/roxinsocks.com
All your Organizr files are now installed at /var/www/websites/roxinsocks.com/
Permissions & Access
Set the permission to your path, so that Organizr can write to it by running chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/websites/roxinsocks.com/
For external access and functionality, edit your nginx sites-enabled config file for your domain (nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/roxinsocks.com), and be sure the root is set correctly in the server block. This will tell nginx where to look for organizr, when you navigate to your domain:
You may need to change the path to the socket depending on what version of PHP you installed
3. Navigate to that path locally using your web browser and the host's local ip address. http://localhost or http://192.168.1.### You should be able to login and establish your admin account.