Organizr & Dependency Installer

OWI (Organizr Windows Installer)


Currently x64 bit OS only.

  • Latest version of PowerShell, if you're on Windows 7/Win Server 2008 download

  • Windows 10 recommended but it should work on Windows 7 if you have the latest version of PowerShell

  • The user account running the installer should have admin privileges and a password set.

OWI Tested on the following OS Versions:

  • Windows 10 Pro (Fall creators update)

  • Windows Server 2012 R2

What does it do?

  • Downloads Nginx, PHP, NSSM and Visual C++ Redistributable

  • Creates services for Nginx and PHP

  • Downloads Organizr

  • Configures PHP as per Org requirements

  • Adds in a working Nginx conf file with PHP block enabled


  1. Clone\Download the OWI folder from:

  2. Extract the zip file to your desktop

  3. Navigate to \OrganizrInstaller\windows\owi

  4. Right-click on owi_installer.bat and click on Run as administrator

  5. Installer will ask you for the nginx install location, type in the full path as per the e.g. c:\nginx

  6. The installer will ask you to provide the password of the current user during installation, the nginx service requires that you run it under a user account instead of the 'Local System' account, if you don't then you won't be able to save and reload your nginx config

Last updated