Ombi SSO

Ombi Single Sign On


Using SSO with Ombi allows you to access the Ombi UI using only one sign in.

Settings / System Settings / Single Sign-On / Ombi



Ombi URL

URL for your Server's Ombi Instance


API Key for Ombi

Ombi Fallback User

If your user doesn't have an Ombi account, Organizr will use this account

Ombi Fallback Password

Password for the above account


Enable Ombi SSO

Fill out the URL for your Ombi install (it can be the local IP or local DNS and port) and copy your API key from Ombi's settings to the Token box. Toggle the enabled switch to turn it on.

If you are doing a subdomain for Ombi, go to your tabs and set the Tab URL to:

Proxy Type


Subdomain (

Directory (


Please make sure that you have the following options enabled in Ombi.

By enabling those options, your users under User Management should have the User Type as Plex User now.

Last updated